How to Install GraphFrames for PySpark - Complete Guide

Combining PySpark with the GraphFrames library can significantly enhance the efficiency of data scientists and engineers when dealing with big data and graph computing. GraphFrames provides an easy-to-use API that allows for the execution of complex graph algorithms and the exploration of relational data on Spark. This article details how to install GraphFrames for your PySpark environment and ensure your setup is ready for graph computing tasks.

1. Verify PySpark and Scala Versions

Before installing GraphFrames, you first need to confirm the versions of PySpark and Scala in your environment, as the GraphFrames version needs to be compatible with them.

1.1 Find PySpark Version

Open a terminal and run the pyspark command to start PySpark. Look for information like Welcome to Spark version 3.5.1 in the startup messages; 3.5.1 is your Spark version.

1.2 Find Scala Version

After starting PySpark, open the Spark Context Web UI (usually located at http://localhost:4040). In the "Environment" page of the Web interface, find the "Scala Version" and note down the version number (e.g., version 2.12.18).

2. Download the Appropriate GraphFrames Package

Visit the GraphFrames Spark Packages page: Based on your Spark and Scala versions, select the appropriate version of GraphFrames. For example, for Spark version 3.5.1 and Scala version 2.12.18, choose

Version: 0.8.3-spark3.5-s_2.12.

Download the corresponding JAR file to a local directory, such as


3. Install the GraphFrames Python Library

Although the JAR file is required, you also need to install the GraphFrames Python package to use it in PySpark.

Run the following command in the terminal to install the GraphFrames Python library:

pip install graphframes

4. Configure PySpark to Use GraphFrames

After installing GraphFrames, choose one of the following methods to configure PySpark to correctly load the GraphFrames library, depending on your usage scenario.

4.1 Use GraphFrames in a Python Script

When using Spark in a Python script, specify the path to the GraphFrames JAR file when creating the SparkSession, as shown in the following code:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .config("spark.jars", "/path/to/graphframes-0.8.3-spark3.5-s_2.12.jar") \
    .appName("GraphFrames Example") \

4.2 Use GraphFrames in the PySpark Terminal

If you are conducting interactive analyses in the PySpark terminal, include the --jars parameter when launching PySpark, as follows:

pyspark --jars /path/to/graphframes-0.8.3-spark3.5-s_2.12.jar

4.3 Use spark-submit to Submit Spark Applications

In production environments or when deploying a complete Spark application, use the spark-submit command and include the GraphFrames JAR file with the --jars parameter, as follows:

spark-submit --jars /path/to/graphframes-0.8.3-spark3.5-s_2.12.jar ...

5. Example of Graphing Calculations with GraphFrames

In this example, we'll demonstrate how to use GraphFrames in PySpark by creating and analyzing a simple social network graph. This network will consist of several users (vertices) and their relationships (edges).

Step 1: Create SparkSession and GraphFrames

First, ensure that you have configured your SparkSession to include the GraphFrames library as shown in the installation guide.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from graphframes import GraphFrame

spark = SparkSession.builder \
     .appName("Social Network Analysis") \

Step 2: Create DataFrames for Vertices and Edges

Next, define the vertices and edges. In this social network example, vertices represent users, and edges represent relationships between users.

# Create DataFrame for vertices
vertices = spark.createDataFrame([
    ("1", "Alice", 34),
    ("2", "Bob", 36),
    ("3", "Charlie", 30),
], ["id", "name", "age"])

# Create DataFrame for edges
edges = spark.createDataFrame([
    ("1", "2", "friend"),
    ("2", "3", "follower"),
    ("3", "1", "friend"),
], ["src", "dst", "relationship"])

Step 3: Create a GraphFrame Object

With the vertices and edges DataFrames, create a GraphFrame object.

# Create GraphFrame
g = GraphFrame(vertices, edges)

Step 4: Analyze the Graph Using GraphFrame

Now you can use GraphFrame to perform graph analysis. For example, we can calculate triangle counts or perform connected components analysis.

Find Triangle Counts

# Find the triangle counts in the graph
results = g.triangleCount()

Find Connected Components

Ensure you have set up a checkpoint directory if required.

# Perform connected components analysis
connected_components = g.connectedComponents()

Step 5: Stop Spark Session

After completing your analysis, don't forget to stop the Spark session.


This example simply demonstrates the basic graph analysis capabilities in a social network using PySpark and GraphFrames. You can expand upon this for more complex analyses and data-processing tasks.

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